Friday, June 1, 2012

Cell Phone Etiquette 101

Nowadays, our cell phones have become an indispensable part of our modern lives. People of different age brackets and professions have found the immense capabilities of the cell phone and they can't seem to get enough of the wonderful gizmo. But with its presence, we might find ourselves in certain situations in which we can become insensitive or inconsiderate of other people. (In which case, it is better to sell used cell phones now!)

I know certain values and etiquette vary across cultures, and cell phone etiquette is arbitrarily perceived by people of different social and economic groups. However, some of the rules are universal, especially those codes that require common sense, sensibility for others, and respect.

When you are using your mobile phone, here are some general principles you need to keep in mind:

Public and Private Use of Cell Phones

Normally, cell phone etiquette is strictly observed when you are in a public space. Definitely, a loud talker can disturb or distract a lot of people in the area. These rules also apply to situations when you are having a date or a private conversation with someone. Some people find it rude when you are on a romantic date and you just stand up to answer an incoming call from your boss or your friend. Not that you should always screen calls. Again, the key here is courtesy and respect to the person you are presently with. Otherwise, I suggest you just sell cell phones online for cash.

Do not make or take a call in the middle of the conversation. If the caller were present, I bet he or she would be polite enough to wait for your availability provided that the person is also adherent to the same values we are promoting here. That means, by screening the call, you are sending the message that you are currently in a situation where taking the call is either disrespectful or inconsiderate.

Focus on the Call - NOT!

Restaurants, waiting rooms, and subways are not ideal settings for taking a call. They are bad for casual conversations on both ends: People do not want to hear personal conversations on the phone and I guess you do not want to entertain someone in noisy places as such.

Also, it is a poor habit to talk on your phone while dealing with cashiers and customer service people. Before taking your turn in the check-out lane, make sure you hang up the call so that you can attend to your supermarket items.

And one of the most egregious types of setting where you will take a call is when you are driving inside your car. Although it is a private place, and no one will take offense of the incoming call, it is still a bad habit that can lead to accidents or even fatalities. A lot of police reports have pointed to the act as the cause of driving mishaps: Do not challenge that notion anymore.

If your gadget will be the source of your bad luck, I suggest you sell cell phones and get cold hard cash for it!

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