Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Calling In Sick: Why Your Smartphone Is Dirtier Than a Public Toilet

Gross, isn't it? According to a recent study by Standford University, your smartphone is most likely filthier than a public toilet seat-Yet, you put your digital sidekick up to your face everyday without flinching or giving it a second thought. So, unless you sanitize your device regularly, you may be in for a rude awakening.

Several studies over the last few years have shown cellphones harbor one of the most active breeding grounds for germs that you'll come in contact with on a day-to-day basis. Forget doorknobs, grocery baskets and the bottom on your shoes - Public enemy number one is sitting in your pocket, most likely increasing its numbers of pathogens at this very moment. One recent study* even found that "1-in-6 cellphones are contaminated with fecal matter." That's right. Poop - On your phone.

A Breeding Ground For Germs

Why? The warmth of a smartphone's interior is a germ-infested breeding ground and is a perfect environment for those pathogens as they're kept cozy in our pockets or purses. Also, when is the last time you went somewhere without your phone? If you're like most people, it's with you from the minute you get up to the moment you call it a night. Even then, it's still by your side recharging its battery. Think about that for a second. It goes with you to work, to the bathroom - Giving germs plenty of chances to hitch a ride.

Your iPhone or Droid, especially its display, is a germ magnet, collecting newcomers every time you touch something and then handle your phone, easily transferring them to your fingertips. So, every time you place your device next to your mouth you're risking adding millions of germs to your face. Add to that a study from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in 2010 that said the average handset carries 18 times more potentially harmful germs than a flush handle on a men's public toilet. Yikes.

What to Do

Although your device can sometimes spread bacteria and contribute to you to becoming sick, you most likely have built up a decent tolerance and are safe. So before you go wrapping yourself in a protective bubble, follow these some simple suggestions to combat a dirty phone.

1) Use Wipes - Clean your smartphone daily with an antimicrobial wipe that is non-corrosive. Look for an electronics specific brand.

2) Swab It Down - If you have a keyboard or keypad, start cleaning it with a cotton swab dipped in diluted rubbing alcohol. Be careful not to rub too hard and not to get any rubbing alcohol inside the phone.

3) Wash Your Hands - We may sound like your mom here, but dirty hands are the most common way that smart devices get to mingle with germs. So wash them several times throughout the day, especially after using the restroom. But remember, washing your hands will do no good if you aren't wiping down your device first.

See How Many Germs Are On Your Phone

For a fun, short quiz to see approximately how many germs are living on your phone, visit

This article is brought to you by MATCH.

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