Saturday, July 7, 2012

What Is the Future of Mobile Phones?

The technology of mobile phones is constantly undergoing change. No sooner than 3G became the watch word, plans were underway for 4G technology. The trend is toward faster, more versatile, smarter phones.

What can we expect from mobile phones in the next ten to fifteen years? Already the lines are blurring between smart phones and laptop computers with smart phones performing many of the functions that only a few years ago were the realm of the laptop. There are many promising developments in size, speed and capability.

Mobile phones can be expected to become smaller and more lightweight with the development of smaller and more powerful chips. Another future development may make the silicone chip obsolete as a power source. Science may soon produce organic substances like viruses that can power the tiny computer in a cell phone.

The keyboard has been constantly miniaturized but may become a relic of the past. Several years ago a technology was developed that involved a glove with micro- sensors for each letter of the alphabet. By touching a section of the electronic glove, each letter of the alphabet could be activated. The letters would then appear on the screen.

Another futuristic idea is to use optical scanning to choose letters and common words to spell out a message eliminating the need for a keyboard. Yet another idea involves using holograms not only to display spoken messages but to project an image of yourself to the person you are talking to.

Voice recognition technology may make much of the hardware we associate with mobile phones redundant. Built in translation technology can mean that you can pick up a phone and speak in your own language and it will automatically be translated into the language of the person you are speaking to. This could considerably shrink our world as we know it and perhaps bring about better understanding among people.

Governments may use mobile phones to monitor and track individuals by communicating with their mobile phones. On the positive side, this could mean the end of kidnappings and abductions as anyone's trail could easily be followed. On the other hand, some people would worry about the loss of individual freedom and privacy.

The true future of mobile phones is that they will not exist at all. Communications as we know it will be replaced by a world of technology that we can only now imagine.

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